Search Ads Intelligence

Search Ads Intelligence

Polish your ASO strategy with the power of Search Ads keywords of your competitors!

See all the paid keywords they’re bidding and track those keywords to use for your organic growth. Use Search Ads visibility scores to find out the most successful apps in ASA and discover the Top Advertisers in all storefronts.

You can also search for a keyword and see who’s running ads on that keyword to unveil the hidden competitors.

MobileAction's Aso Intelligence Product Search Ads Intelligence Tool
MobileAction's Aso Intelligence Product CPP Intelligence Tool

CPP Intelligence

Find out your competitors’ CPP strategies and paid keyword themes to be on top of the competition without a costly A/B testing process.

Explore the keyword themes targeted with specific creatives, or the apps that you have common targeted keywords with screenshots and impression share data to adjust your CPPs accordingly.

CPP Metrics

See your default and custom product pages performance for conversion rate, page view, impressions, download, revenue, in-app purchase, or paying users to learn your lower funnel conversions.

Compare your different custom product pages to see which one is bringing the higher conversion in the lower funnel and optimize accordingly to achieve the best results.

MobileAction's Aso Intelligence Product CPP Metrics Tool

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