Mobile App Marketing Glossary

Ad Network

Platforms that allow the app publishers to connect with the ad agencies in order to run various ad campaigns.

Ad Campaign

Campaigns that have a specific target audience with a set ROI goal.


A method of promoting an app through some campaigns that aim to bring traffic to your app. It’s an integral part of paid acquisition.

App Analytics

A specific tool that provides a set of tools designed to measure the performance of a publisher’s app.

App Store Optimization

The set of practices that aim to increase the visibility of an app in the app stores while also aiming to increase its conversion rates.

App Title/Name

The name/title of the mobile app that represents the app in every platform.

App Listing Page

The page in each app store that contains all of the creatives of an app and is intended to provide a more detailed presentation of the app. It’s also where the app is downloaded from.

Apple App Store

The app store for iOS devices where the users can search for apps and download them from, often referred simply as the App Store.

Apple Search Ads

In-store ads for the Apple App Store where the ads appear in the search results.

ARPU (Average Revenue Per User)

A calculation that shows the average revenue generated from each user. This is calculated by dividing the total revenue to the total number of users of an app.

App Marketing

The process of marketing a mobile app which App Store Optimization is a part of.

App Profile

A profile page of an app that shows important metrics about the app to show its overall performance in the app markets.

App Unit

The act of purchasing an app through a single user id. Downloads with the same id on different devices don’t count.

App Updates

An update to the software of an app or an update to the app’s metadata that is done in order to improve the app, add new features, fix bugs or improve its ASO factors.

Audience Geography

A chart that shows how the audience of an app is spread globally.

ASO Report

A detailed report showing how many keywords an app is ranking in the relevant ranges (Such as in the Top 5 or Top 10 results).

App Icon

The icon of the app that appears in the app stores, app listing page and is the icon visible in the mobile device the app has been downloaded to.

Biggest Movers

A section of the Top Charts that shows the apps that climbed the highest number of ranks in the last 24 hours.

Biggest Losers

A section of the Top Charts that shows the apps that have lost the greatest number of ranks in the last 24 hours.


Both app stores are divided into several categories based on the genre of an app. This makes the app stores easier to navigate and gives apps an increased chance of being discovered.

Category Rankings

The ranking of an app in its respective category.

Category Ranking History

A chart that shows how the category ranking of an app, or more than one app, has changed over a selected period of time to show how has the app grown over time.

Cost Per Tap (CPT)

A campaign method in search ads campaigns where the payment of the ad is collected only after the user taps on the ad. This is set as default in Apple Search Ads Advanced.

Cost Per Acquisition (CPA)

Allows the publisher to select a goal for average cost per acquisition in Apple Search Ads to better manage their budget.

Cost Per Install (CPI)

A campaign method in search ads campaigns where the payment of the ad is collected only after the user installs the app. This is set to default in Apple Search Ads Basic.

Chance Score

A score that, based on the competitiveness of the keyword, shows how likely an app is to rank in the top 10 results for that keyword.


Is the event of losing users.


The process indicated as a user downloading an app after visiting the app listing page.

Conversion Rate

The rate on how many page visits convert into installs. Calculated by dividing the number of conversions to the total number of app page visits.

Click Through Rate

The rate of how many of the total impressions were clicked by a person. This is calculated by dividing the total click numbers on an ad to the total number of impressions an ad gets.

Conversion Rate Optimization

The process of optimizing the creatives of your app listing page to get more conversion and increase the rate of conversions.

CSV (Comma Separated Value)

A format which allows the person to extract reports that have the values separated by commas. This enables them to be easily imported to and exported to different platforms.

Daily Active Users (DAU)

An estimated number that shows the number of active users of an app on each day.


The person or entity that is responsible for the creation of an app.

Description (Short, Google Play Store)

The first 80 characters of the description of the apps in the Google Play Store. This is the visible part of the description in the App Listing Page.

Description (Long, Google Play Store)

The entire description of an app in the Google Play Store, often referred as the long description. Users will have to tap on the ‘read more’ link to read the rest of the description. The long description is limited to 4000 characters and apps are indexed for the keywords they use in their descriptions.

Description (Apple App Store)

A body of text limited to 4000 characters that is used to provide a more detailed information about an app that can be accessed from app listing page.


The devices that an app can be used on.


The number of times an app has been installed on a device.

Download Estimations

Estimations provided by various ASO tools to show the estimated download numbers an app is getting daily, monthly or yearly.

Developer Account Integration

The process of integrating a developer account (such as, Google Play Developer Console or iTunes Connect) to an ASO Tool or any other analytics tool.

Editor’s Choice (Google Play Store)

The term to refer to apps that have been selected by the editors of the Google Play Store.


A term that is referred to free apps that need in-app purchases to unlock most of its content.

Free App

An app that is downloadable for free.

Free (Top Charts)

A section of the Top Charts that shows the top free apps in a category or the app store in general.

Google Play Store

The app store for Android devices that is run by Google, often referred as the Play Store.

Google AdWords

Ad service of Google that allows the publisher to run ads on various platforms.

Google Analytics

Analytical tool provided by Google to track the performance of an app or website. Provides a wide scope of analytical data to measure performance.

Google Play Developer Console

The app developer service of Google Play Store. This account is used to publish apps into the Google Play Store.

Google Play Search Ads

Ads that are available in the Google Play Store that appear at the results of specific search queries.


The process of purchasing an app, installing it and opening it for at least once.

In-App Purchases

Micro-transactions that can be done from inside an app that makes an app ad-free or allows the user to buy some in-app goods.


The process of making the software of the app compatible with different languages.

Incentivized Installs

Installs that are incentivized by the publisher or a 3rd party in exchange of money, in-app features or any kind of benefit.

In-App Ads

Ads that are shown directly inside the app.


The number of times an ad is shown to the audience.

Impression Share

The amount of impressions shared between each competing app.

Indie Developer

A developer that is not associated with any company and is developing apps with their own resources.

iTunes Connect

The developer account for the Apple App Store. This account is used to publish apps into the Apple App Store.


A word or group of words that are used to represent an app in the app stores.

Keyword Rankings

The place an app occupies in the search results for a keyword.

Keyword Optimization

The process of finding, choosing and refining the keywords to find the best possible set of keywords to represent an app in the app stores.

Keyword Suggestions

A tool that is designed to give long tail keyword suggestions to a user.

Keyword Tracker

A specific tool that is designed to track the performance of keywords and see relevant metrics such as the search score or chance score of those keywords.

Keyword Ranking History

A chart that shows how the ranking of an app for a keyword has been historically.

Keyword Density

The number of times a keyword has been repeated in a body of text.

Keyword Distribution Summary

A summary of the top ranking keywords of an app and their historic ranking data.

Keyword Intelligence

A specific tool that shows the expected organic downloads from each keyword.


The process of making an app suitable for a specific foreign geography. This includes translating the app entirely into the native language as well as optimizing creatives to fit the cultural trends in the target localization.

Latest Reviews

The reviews an app has received in their most recent version.


The process of generating revenue from a mobile app.

Monthly Active Users (MAU)

The number of users who were active for an entire month.

Negative Reviews

Reviews that have an average star rating below 3 stars.

Negative Ratings

Ratings that are rated below 3 stars.

Organic Growth

The process of increasing organic installs and retaining more organic users.

Organic User

Users that come from organic search results. These users find your app through search queries and are the group of users that are most likely to spend money on your app.

Organic Installs

Installs that happen after a user visits your app listing page and decides to download your app. Installs coming from ads or websites are excluded in organic installs.

Overall Ranking

The ranking of an app in the entire app store rather than in a specific category.

Paid App

An app that can be purchased for a fixed price in the app stores.

Preview Video

A video available in the app’s listing page in both app stores that serves the purpose of briefly showcasing the primary functions of an app.

Positive Reviews

Reviews that are rated with higher than 3.5 star ratings.

Positive Ratings

Ratings that have an average star rating above 3.5 stars.


A person or entity that is responsible for publishing an app into the app stores. This can be the same entity as the developer as well as someone entirely different.

Publisher Leaderboards

A section of Top Charts that shows the most successful publishers on the day it’s checked.

Retention Rates

The rate of the customers that are retained in your app for a selected period of time.


Small comments that are designed to collect feedback from users. Reviews are publicly visible, therefore they also affect conversion rates as they act as referrals for other users.


Apps can be rated with stars to show the overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction of a user. Ratings range from 1 stars to 5 stars.

Revenue Estimation

An estimation of how much revenue an app is making throughout a selected period of time.

ROI (Return of Investment)

A way of measuring how much benefit an investment is bringing back to the investor.

Search Ads

A specific type of ads that appear in the search results of each app store.


The act of preparing custom marketing campaigns for seasonal events such as Christmas, Halloween etc.

Search Ads Intelligence

A tool that is created specifically to provide publishers the necessary tools and data to excel at Apple Search Ads.


Screen captures of an app that gives a bit more insight about the app. Screenshots are usually accessed through the App Listing Page.

Search Query

Keywords that are used to search for an app in the app stores.

Search Score

A vital metric that shows the search volume of a keyword. The higher the search score is the more it is being searched for.

Top Charts

The leaderboards of the app stores. Shows the top ranking apps in each category and in the overall app store as well.

Top Keywords

The most searched keywords in the App Store.

Total Apps (for a keyword)

The total number of apps ranking for a keyword in an app store.

Targeted Ads

Ads that are targeted to a specific audience. These audiences can be selected based on age, gender, location etc.

Today Page (Apple App Store)

The page on the Apple App Store that shows the featured app choices of the day that allows users to explore new apps by looking at curated apps to discover more interesting apps to improve overall user experience.

Usage Data

Vital data that reveals the user behaviour and is quite important at measuring an apps’ success.

User Experience

The overall process of monitoring, analyzing the overall experience of the users with your app to pinpoint what features can be improved or scrapped.

User Acquisition

The process of acquiring users to your mobile app.


Visibility of an app in the app stores.

Visibility Score

A score calculated to show how visible an app is in the app stores by looking at its keyword rankings, download numbers and numerous variables.

Version History

The history of the updates an app has launched over its lifetime.

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