Ad Intelligence

Analyze various ad networks and discover the creative sets of your competitor.

MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product Creative Analysis Tool

Creative Analysis

Filter time intervals, ad networks, and countries to get an overview of your competitors paid user acquisition efforts.

See your competitors’ creatives and analyze impressions and clicks to understand what works for them.

Get to the best performing creatives faster by analyzing your competitors’ current and past creative tests.

Advertiser Analysis

See how your competitors distribute their ad creatives among different ad networks in different countries and time periods.

Uncover the most profitable ad networks to maximize your ROAS.

Learn which countries bring the most impression for your app genre, and which languages your competitors use in their creatives.

See which media types work better for your app category and outsmart your competition with our ad intelligence

MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product App Advertiser Analysis Tool
MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product App Ad Publisher Analysis Tool

Ad Publisher Analysis

Learn which SDKs the app has installed and get insights on an app’s ad publishing and creative history.

Discover how the advertisers & networks spread ads into the apps, and detect which creatives work best for their audience.

Identify the most effective publishers to reach your target audience.

Developer Analysis

Filter your search by time, country, and ad network to see which apps the developer published.

Analyze their work and direction to create your framework and catch up on app trends.

MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product App Developer Analysis Tool
MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product Top App Advertisers Tool

Top Advertisers

See who is dominating the ad ecosystem on various ad networks to get a better understanding of the competition.

Sort out the top advertisers based on their creative counts and impression scores easily. Get the best insights with a filtered view according to various verticals such as category, network, and country. Make a shortcut list for the apps you’re following to save time on your daily analysis.

Top Ad Publishers

Discover how the advertisers & networks spread ads into the apps and detect the most ad populated apps.

Browse the top publishers list in your way! Filter it by markets, and choose the time intervals to get better insights. Sort out the whole list based on the number of creatives and countries.

MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product Top App Ad Publishers Tool
MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product Top App ad Creatives Tool

Top Creatives

Delve into the millions of creatives in apps! Browse in the whole database and discover different ad types such as images, videos, and playable ads.

Search for an app or a publisher to see their videos, images, playable ads, call-to-action texts, and ad titles to find great tips to create your own ad campaign. Make a collection out of the creatives of your interest to access them any time effortlessly.

Top Developers

Reveal the most active app publishers in the in-app ad space. See which apps they’re running ads on, the ad networks they are using, and more insights.

Easily filter the list for app categories, ad networks, storefronts, and view the whole data in your selected time window.

MobileAction's Ad Intelligence Product Top Developers Tool

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